Falling star Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Falling star" de Showoff.

Falling star lyrics

I'll tell you what's bothering me,
It's something you said, it's just another stupid answer
Running inside my head.
Tell you what you should do,
It's just something i'll say, it's just another stupid reason
For me to run away.

And baby, i get so lonely, i feel so lonely
That i needed you by my side, but you'll never be back and
Baby, well it seems i couldn't hold on.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-falling-star-showoff ]
Well, no matter how much i tried, she's a falling star that
Lost her love.
I'll tell you what's bothering me,
It's just something i've seen, things used to be so simple.
Tell me, do you know what i mean?

Well all that we talk about now is
Memories that fade with a kiss.
Our love is a star up above (stars shining they shine from above)
And a falling star is a star that lost it's love.



Falling star

Ver más info

Artista: Showoff
Canción: Falling star
Duración: 04:00
Vistas: 5.338
Álbum: Showoff
Etiquetas: pop punk, punk rock

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