Falling short Letra

Toe To Toe

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Falling short" de Toe To Toe.

Falling short lyrics

I know that feeling of waking up dead
a kick in the arse, another shot in the head
as i pull myself up off the ground
modern evidence is dragging me down
Same old struggle, different day
it's not what you know, it's what you paid
same old struggle, different day
it's not what you know, it's what you paid
I fall, i fall again
Fuck this day, i won't join the line
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-falling-short-toe-to-toe ]
feels like i'm doing time
feels like i'm doing time
I fall, i fall again
Persecute the working man, kill off all the individuals
you can't dump me down this way
i'm sick and tired of the fall
i'm tired of falling, so tired of falling
Used to think the world was kind of flat
found out it's the way you look at it
i used to run, i used to hide
i used to run, i used to hide

Toe To Toe

Toe To Toe

Falling short

Ver más info

Artista: Toe To Toe
Canción: Falling short
Duración: 02:16
Vistas: 1.201
Álbum: Vans warped tour - australian tour cd

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