Falling Letra

Charmed With A Vengeance

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Falling" de Charmed With A Vengeance.

Falling lyrics

You think you know, of the past and pain.
take a breath,and begin to here,
this side of our tragic tale.
I don't know to much about what a real life is,
so tell it to me, and explain what it is.
my mind is twisted in this world of hell.
hell exists and no one realizes it.
people listen to this tale that we sing,
you'll understand what we mean.
the lightning strikes, and the thunder roars.
running and running, never letting go.
never stop fighting.
Pain returns as you look in the mirror.
you soon see that person, you hate the most.
scars, blood flowing,
screams echoing through the thunderous storm.
think about that person you see when you look in the mirror,the one you hate.
Cos your falling never stopping.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-falling-charmed-with-a-vengeance ]
falling deep into the hole,
never gaining
paying the toll, of this hell i'm in.
i'm out of
demons, dreaming, screaming, seeing.
finding reasons to be searching.
always for my past,
maybe something
still never will
always falling out of
No more pain, you see my heart has been slain.
never again, will i seem him
never again, will i see her again.
heavens above are cheating us all you see.
we aren't living anymore.
it's all a lie. no such thing as hell.
we're all living it.
We're all falling, never stopping.
falling deep into that black hole,(deep dark hole)
never gaining control,(still falling)
cuz i'm falling, (ooo)
out of control. yes i'm
desperately out

Charmed With A Vengeance
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Artista: Charmed With A Vengeance
Canción: Falling
Vistas: 82

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