Fallen Letra

William R. Holden

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fallen" de William R. Holden.

Fallen lyrics

So many tears that i cried
so many ways that i died
i couldn't keep it inside
i've only lied
so i, called, to you
but no answer
and i'll, fall, to earth
forever and ever more
face fades
to jade
it all fades
it all fades (oh oh)
i see you all through the way
into every day
put life aside
i'm the one that died
i look to the picture
burned, that i see
just a tiny glimpse picture
now, just a shadow to me
so just, fall, to earth
forever and ever more
crawl, out of the earth
never ever more.
i've fallen
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fallen-william-r-holden ]
just fall then
i've fallen (oh oh)
all the while
but only in the mirrors
all the while
only in the hall
but i'm not moving at all
fall, but fallen
a token
it's broken
there's no, light here
there's no, night here
so just, fall, to earth
forever, fallen [music pause]
forever, fallen,
so just, fall, to earth
forever and ever more
crawl, out of earth
forever and ever more
so just, fall, to earth
forever and ever more
crawl, out of earth
forever and ever more
so just, (pause)

William R. Holden
Ver más info

Artista: William R. Holden
Canción: Fallen
Vistas: 89

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