Fallen star Letra

Nick Noble

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fallen star" de Nick Noble.

Fallen star lyrics

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fallen-star-nick-noble ]
A fallen starjack noble also the hilltoppersa star fell from heavenright into my armsa brighter star i know i've never seenthen i found out that it wasonly you with all your charmswho came into my life to fill a fallen star, that's what you arethe twinkle in your eye came from the skyyou must have strayed from the milky waya fallen star, that's what you area fallen star, that's what you arethe twinkle in your eye came from the skyyou must have strayed from the milky waya fallen star, that's what you arelyrics provided by betty e. fisher, hanover, md />

Nick Noble

Nick Noble

Fallen star

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Artista: Nick Noble
Canción: Fallen star
Duración: 02:00
Vistas: 93

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