Fall Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fall" de Sugakane.

Fall lyrics

Waiting outside
figure out tonight
trying to make sense of the things you said
trying to be blessed i'm on my knees
Late at night
take you for a ride
trying to let go of all the things you said
trying to be good to make amends
tear drops in the eyes of an angel
ready to fall
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fall-sugakane ]
tear drops in the eyes of an angel
waiting to fall
to fall
(end chorus)
Waiting at night
take you for a ride
trying to make sense of it all
trying to be good
i'm on my knees

I can walk, take a walk, look outside, to the sky, up high in the eyes of an angel waiting to fall.




Ver más info

Artista: Sugakane
Canción: Fall
Vistas: 569
Etiquetas: chill, mellow, melancholy, wangst, dark

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