Faith of a little seed Letra

Big Tent Revival

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Faith of a little seed" de Big Tent Revival.

Faith of a little seed lyrics

All it takes, is a little bit of water and sunshine
to make a big tree grow
and every tree, was a little bitty seed at one time
it just takes time, you know
And patiently they lay and hope
and god provides the rest
all we really need
is the faith of a little seed
I never, ever saw a bird go hungry
singing in the breeze
and the flowers, never was late on sunday
prettier than these
[ De: ]
And patiently they lay and hope
and god provides the rest
all we really need
is the faith of a little seed
Though i'm sewn in rocky places
there i will abide
taking root in my lord jesus
knowing he'll provide
And patiently i lay and hope
and god provides the rest
all we really need
is the faith of a little seed
the faith of a little seed
the faith of a little seed
the faith of a little seed
Big Tent Revival

Big Tent Revival

Faith of a little seed

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Artista: Big Tent Revival
Canción: Faith of a little seed
Duración: 03:38
Vistas: 1.561
Álbum: Big tent revival
Etiquetas: the watchman, worship

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