Faith deprived Letra

Winner Takes All

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Faith deprived" de Winner Takes All.

Faith deprived lyrics

Never let you through the door
never near my system's core
you turn everything into your crutch
it's the reverse of the midas touch
now that your cover's blown
should have known by that shady tone
all those promises you couldn't keep
i guess for you forever means until next week
And trust me
never meant to buy those awful lies
and didn't mean to crave the tears you cried
but i know what you're doing to me
i can feel it in my soul
Find the factor
[ De: ]
see what makes you tick
my only weakness
is that your presence makes me sick
now it's over
i see right through your "fuck me" façade
My heart
stretched thin
need to
be even
can't find
a reason
victim of
the season
And trust me
never meant to buy those awful lies
and didn't mean to crave the tears you cried
but i know what you're doing to me
i can feel it in my soul
stolen soul and faith deprived
faith deprived
deprived of
Winner Takes All

Winner Takes All

Faith deprived

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Artista: Winner Takes All
Canción: Faith deprived
Vistas: 90

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