Fading Letra

Echo Image

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fading" de Echo Image.

Fading lyrics

Sending out my thoughts to you,
they never seem to reach where,
you are how am i supposed to get that far,
wherever you are,
remembering what we did best,
we only had one week to do the rest,
the days were filled with joy and pain,
still missing that game.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fading-echo-image ]
Days turns in and weeks go by,
wondering if my life is just a lie,
still hope to hear that you are near,
longing for you,
wondering if you are alone,
wondering if my heart has turned to stone,
try to reach out with my mind,
but i've become blind.
I see you fading like the

Echo Image

Echo Image


Ver más info

Artista: Echo Image
Canción: Fading
Duración: 04:36
Vistas: 10.260
Álbum: Compuphonic
Etiquetas: i see you fading like the sun in the sky, synthpop, electronic, futurepop, electronica

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