Faded photographs Letra

Sheila E.

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Faded photographs" de Sheila E..

Faded photographs lyrics

The voice that drew me near to you
and drew you near to me
has faded from the picture
becoming clear to me
all thats left are memories
of how it used to be
we can't erase the past
we can't change our destiny
Faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room
faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room
Reflecting like a mirror
racing in my mind
these photographs remind me
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-faded-photographs-sheila-e ]
of what's not far behind
your eyes told me the story
words of you and i
i can't forget you
in the stillness of the night
Faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room
faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room
Faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room
faded photographs
your eyes say a thousand words to me
faded photographs
shadows fill my lonely room

Sheila E.

Sheila E.

Faded photographs

Ver más info

Artista: Sheila E.
Canción: Faded photographs
Duración: 04:09
Vistas: 975
Álbum: Sheila e.
Etiquetas: rock, 80s, 1987, soul, pop

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