Fade Letra

Jared Fiske

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fade" de Jared Fiske.

Fade lyrics

Lately i've begun to fade
around the edges i can see the change in shade
but i feel safe under a tree
i can't just go out there and play
Now are the years
when i should strike out on my own
i'm full of anger but i'm scared to be alone
this isn't poetry it's life
and i can't learn to be alone
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fade-jared-fiske ]
Four winters all wrapped up in you
three's a crowd but i can force it back to two
numb lover, one lover, i've left it up to you
but i'll come runnin, always runnin back to you
These are the years
when i should strike out on my own
friends fear and apathy are blanketing me
this isn't poetry it's life
don't want to learn to be alone

Jared Fiske
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Artista: Jared Fiske
Canción: Fade
Vistas: 90

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