Fade away (live) Letra

Fra Lippo Lippi

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fade away (live)" de Fra Lippo Lippi.

Fade away (live) lyrics

The day is done, the blinds are drawn
the sound of the afternoon is gone
the cornerst ore has locked its door
everyone has left for home
when their sleepy little heads settle snug inside their beds
you and i will stay and watch the sun (fade away)
The balladeer, the buccaneer
the liar, the man who would be king
the cavalier, the profiteer
the one who knows only suffering
as the cannons gather rust and all their castles turn to dust
you and i will stay and see them all (fade away)
We are on an endless flight, my friend
no beginning and no end
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fade-away-live-fra-lippo-lippi ]
i've forgotten more than i remember
i just want to hide myself away
but i know there's no escape
we must go on
go on forever
The sea will rise, the mountains fall
the earth will turn itself upside down
but we haven't seen it all before
and we will always be around
in a hundred million years when the planet disappears
you and i will stay and watch the world fade away
In a million trillion years when the planet disappears
you and i will stay and watch them all fade away (fade )
gonna watch them fade away
do do do do do (fade )

Fra Lippo Lippi

Fra Lippo Lippi

Fade away (live)

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Artista: Fra Lippo Lippi
Canción: Fade away (live)
Vistas: 79

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