Face among the rest Letra

Derek Powazek

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Face among the rest" de Derek Powazek.

Face among the rest lyrics

Where did i go wrong?
and it was so good for so long,
until the day where you stared at my face
with nothing at all to say
So call me sometime
you don't know how hard i try
to pick up the phone, and to tell you i'm home
and feeling much more than alone
You can't tell me that i didn't mean it
when i told you that i couldn't feel it
So i tried to be your friend,
but didn't matter in the end
cause all i could see was a relfection of me
trying too hard to be free
Thats my problem, not yours
got your own to ignore
and i bet you'll find that in ten years time
i won't even cross through your mind
You can't tell me that you didn't feel it
when the moment was silently fleeting
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-face-among-the-rest-derek-powazek ]
But i keep standing round
waiting for someone to turn it all down
and i can't take, one more second of feeling abused,
and next to nothing
cause i will take what i have left
and walk away, a face among the rest
The same is true for me
i'm still drowning in my need
for someone else who feels like i felt
when i just seventeen
This isnt about getting old,
its about growing cold
to those who care enough to be there
when all of the hurt on the phones
You can't tell me that its all for nothing
cause i know that there must be something
But i keep standing round
waiting for someone to turn it all down
and i can't take, one more second of being abused,
and next to nothing
and i will take what i have left
and walk away, a face among the rest

Derek Powazek

Derek Powazek

Face among the rest

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Artista: Derek Powazek
Canción: Face among the rest
Vistas: 60

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