Eyes of my heart Letra

John Elefante

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eyes of my heart" de John Elefante.

Eyes of my heart lyrics

What must i do to make you love me?
what must i do to show i care?
i sacrificed hoping you'd understand.
what must i do to prove to you that i will be there?
how many heartaches will it take?
until you realize my love for you
until you know that you
lay your cares on me
i am the shoulder you can lean on.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eyes-of-my-heart-john-elefante ]
i'll be your shelter from the storm.
break away the chains that bind you.
let the truth of my love find you
just look into the eyes of my heart and
And when you need someone to comfort you in sadness
just reach your hand out, and i'll be there.
i'm with you everywhere, you're never too far.
i'll let you know that you
(repeat chorus)

John Elefante

John Elefante

Eyes of my heart

Ver más info

Artista: John Elefante
Canción: Eyes of my heart
Duración: 04:21
Vistas: 994
Álbum: Corridors

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