Eyes of a stranger Letra

The Payolas

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eyes of a stranger" de The Payolas.

Eyes of a stranger lyrics

Cause in nothing there's something i feel
and my heart takes it straight
or it'll break down again
in your lips i sense a danger
you've got the eyes of a stranger
have i been sleeping for all these years?
is it magic that makes you appear?
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eyes-of-a-stranger-the-payolas ]
when you walked in the room i felt my heart race
but you in the food when i look at your face
in your lips i sense a danger
you've got the eyes of a stranger
in your lips i see a danger
you've got the eyes of a stranger
you've got the eyes of a stranger (repeatedly)

The Payolas

The Payolas

Eyes of a stranger

Ver más info

Artista: The Payolas
Canción: Eyes of a stranger
Duración: 04:58
Vistas: 3.175
Álbum: Between a rock & a hyde place
Etiquetas: rock, canadian, 80s, new wave, pop

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