Exploiting the human opportunity Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Exploiting the human opportunity" de Cannae.

Exploiting the human opportunity lyrics

Nights i lay awake hopelessly thinking of this place. the more i think, the
less i want to know. it seemed like before this never used to happen. i guess
it's proclaimed to be over the representation of time on paper. pen strokes
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mark away and with every letter, a new birth. you will see it again, it
leaves a mark on your mind. pictures say a thousand words. we can tell
stories without saying a single word, yet only to a true perception however,
can this be "felt". i always see things that disturb me, but i would rather
see that than nothing.



Exploiting the human opportunity

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Artista: Cannae
Canción: Exploiting the human opportunity
Duración: 03:43
Vistas: 632

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