Existence Letra


El tema "Existence" interpretado por Aghora pertenece a su disco "Aghora". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Existence" de Aghora.

Existence lyrics

[music & lyrics by santiago dobles]
Disillusionment surrounding my eyes
why can't i be the one to set them free?
through endless grace
the suffering will be joy
bringing new peace,
detaching karmic forms
living now is my only choice
to reach within my own mind
going forth where the self is stored
to rise above my own ploys
what is there to prose?
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-existence-aghora ]
when no one knows the truth
to all of god's secrets
the god is in the man
the man is in the god
why do you hide?
liberated soul is set free
to join the divine ones
immortals like god
living through life with their love
guiding the young ones
through their cycles
continue life as we know
embracing divinity
my child, view your existence with joy
it is forever




Ver más info

Artista: Aghora
Canción: Existence
Duración: 06:27
Vistas: 23.366
Álbum: Aghora
Etiquetas: metal, progressive metal, female vocals, neoprog, instrumental

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