Exerciser Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Exerciser" de Rhubarb.

Exerciser lyrics

Don't skate, don't surf
don't worry about my turf
i got a car, in a yard
i don't want it to go fast
and i wanna know if i'm coming down with anything
and i've got a hero that i'll follow to the end
i'm an ex, an exerciser
i'm an ex, an exerciser
don't drink, don't stink
i change my old bed sheets
i read, i write
i can't stay up at night
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-exerciser-rhubarb ]
and i wanna know, if i'm going down with anything
and i've got a hero that i'll follow to the end
i'm an ex, an exerciser
i'm an ex, an exerciser
i'm an ex, an exerciser
i'm an ex, an exerciser
don't smoke, hate dope
don't laugh at dirty jokes
got a mum, and a dad
only ones i've ever had
and i wanna know, if i'm growing old with anything
and i've got a hero that i'll follow to the end
i'm an ex, an exerciser
i'm an ex, an exerciser




Ver más info

Artista: Rhubarb
Canción: Exerciser
Duración: 01:39
Vistas: 14.792
Álbum: Kamikaze
Etiquetas: punk rock, alternative rock, feelgood, favourites, punk

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