Exactly like you Letra

Ruth Etting

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Exactly like you" de Ruth Etting.

Exactly like you lyrics

I used to have a per-fect sweet-heart,
not a real one, just a dream
a won-der-ful vis-ion of us as a team
can you im-ag-ine how i feel now, love is real now, it's i-deal
you're just what i want-ed and now it's nice to live,
par-a-dise to live:
I know why i've wait-ed, know why i've been blue,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-exactly-like-you-ruth-etting ]
prayed each night for some-one ex-act-ly like you
why should we spend mon-ey on a show or two
no one does those love scenes ex-act-ly like you
you make me feel so grand i want to hand the world to you
you seem to un-der-stand each fool-ish lit-tle scheme i'm
schem-ing dream i'm dream-ing, now i know why moth-er
taught me to be true she meant me for some-one ex-act-ly like you

Ruth Etting

Ruth Etting

Exactly like you

Ver más info

Artista: Ruth Etting
Canción: Exactly like you
Duración: 03:11
Vistas: 1.187
Álbum: Goodnight my love

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