Everything Letra

Dave Navarro

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Everything" de Dave Navarro.

Everything lyrics

Call me baby
try to sit there
don't be afraid
drink your protein
try to sit there
don't run away
tasting strawberry
breathing sweetness
kissing purple vein
i fell in your rusted heart
before you dripped away
she has everything
i am all your pain
exposing every nerve
inside the living room
taking care of the older men
they have some cash to spend
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-everything-dave-navarro ]
never had a chance to say
goodbye my precious friend
She has everything
i am all your pain
I want to taste your saliva
i wish that you were my daughter
i wish that i was your father
we could keep secrets
Luscious virgin
candied apples
dried up in the street
blackened concrete
tearing into
your bended fragile knees
hotel bathrooms
neon contour
bleeding in the sink
i have never been so in love
i felt like i should die
She has everything
i am all your pain

Dave Navarro

Dave Navarro


Ver más info

Artista: Dave Navarro
Canción: Everything
Duración: 04:30
Vistas: 20.505
Álbum: Trust no one
Etiquetas: trust no one, rock, industrial -eske sound, alternative rock, amazing riffs

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