Everything Letra

Crime Scene

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Everything" de Crime Scene.

Everything lyrics

its what i lose
its what i gain
its everything
it just adds onto my pain
i thought you'd come to save me
how can you not see
i thought you'd come to
save me
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-everything-crime-scene ]
from everything
that stands in our way
someday, someday you'll pay
i wanna start a new day
everything is brakin' me down
you made me cry
i wish my worries would fly
and when i die
(everything, everything)
you'll pay
(yeah, yeah)

Crime Scene

Crime Scene


Ver más info

Artista: Crime Scene
Canción: Everything
Vistas: 89

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