Everybody got a story Letra

David & The Giants

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Everybody got a story" de David & The Giants.

Everybody got a story lyrics

There's a lady down in new orleans
walking the streets trying to make the scene
she's a runaway
everybody got a story to tell
Mr. president you're just a man
you've got your problems and i understand
you've got your cross to bear
everybody got a story to tell
Across the tracks in a three room shack
there's a daddy lying on his back
he's drunk again
baby's crying ain't got no milk to drink

everybody got a story to tell
everybody got a song to sing
and if you listen real close
you'll know what i mean
'cause you've got a story to tell
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-everybody-got-a-story-david-the-giants ]
Down on 6th street where the young folks hang out
there's a preacher trying to tell them what it's about
but they just laugh it off
while the preacher man cries
Susie jane left school today
told her family that a baby is on the way
but everything is gonna be alright
the doctor will take care of it all
(repeat chorus)
Like a ship that was lost at sea
that was my like but jesus rescued me
now i know the way
and i got a story to tell
Now you may feel like a castaway
but this jesus can change your night to day
won't you let him do it now
you're gonna have a story to tell
(repeat chorus)

David & The Giants

David & The Giants

Everybody got a story

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Artista: David & The Giants
Canción: Everybody got a story
Vistas: 95

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