Every step of the way Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Every step of the way" de Anet.

Every step of the way lyrics

Standing on a cloud
virgin youth
we were shouting out loud
words of truth
we made a bond to share
and always to be there
and sealed it in a box
somewhere in our hearts
Every step of the way i'll be with you
every moment of every day i will be true
you can't trust a lover like you can a friend
when your heart is broken then you can depend
on me
to the end
every step of the way
Out on a limb
i'd crawl for you
i'd walk through any wind
or storm
there's nothing i won't do
people come and go in your life
lovers disappear from sight
like colours
they seem to vanish
in the night
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-every-step-of-the-way-anet ]
Every step of the way i'll be with you
every moment of every day i will be true
you can't trust a lover like you can a friend
when your heart is broken then you can depend
on me
to the end
every step of the way
Out there
there's a star
shining for you and me
no one else can see
no matter where you are
when you're near
or so very far
and you need a heart to care
just look up
i will be there
Every step of the way i'll be with you
every moment of every day i will be true
you can't trust a lover like you can a friend
when your heart is broken then you can depend
on me
to the end
every step of the way



Every step of the way

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Artista: Anet
Canción: Every step of the way
Vistas: 83

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