Every night (i pray) Letra

The Chantels

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Every night (i pray)" de The Chantels.

Every night (i pray) lyrics

Every night i go to bed
fall on my knees and i pray
for my love.
although he doesn't love me
he can stay just for me,
i pray.
he used to love me with all his heart n'soul.
i always stayed with him just like he was a toy.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-every-night-i-pray-the-chantels ]
and so i know it just didn't pay
to kiss, my love, and break, his heart, and try to run away.
why, oh why, does he hurt me so?
i hold on. . never thought he'd ever go.
every night.
every night. . . ouuu huu ouuuuu
every night. . . ouuu huu ouuuuu. . . .

The Chantels

The Chantels

Every night (i pray)

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Artista: The Chantels
Canción: Every night (i pray)
Duración: 02:04
Vistas: 100

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