Every homo Letra

Howard Stern And The Backside Boys

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Every homo" de Howard Stern And The Backside Boys.

Every homo lyrics

Every homo
every sissy
every cowboy
let's tongue-kiss tonight
Backside's back all night
all right
All you homos and tight young boys
crisco brothers let's make some noise
you got body hair we're gonna shave it now
gonna dress you up like a little boy scout
Do we like liza?
do we like juicy butts?
do we love nipple rings?

If you look like ricky martin jump into the shower now
Every homo
every fairy
every cowboy
let's tongue-kiss tonight
backside's back all right
all right
We like to wrestle in the nude
whoo whoo whoo
i like anal, how 'bout you?
whoo whoo whoo
smart or stupid we like them all
whoo whoo whoo
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-every-homo-howard-stern-and-the-backside-boys ]
pull down your pants in the bathroom stall
yeah yeah yeah
Do we like liza?
do we like hairy butts?
do we love nipple rings?
If you look like ricky martin jump into the shower now
Every homo
every fairy
every cowboy
let's tongue-kiss tonight
backside's back all night
all night
So every fairy everywhere
let's see what's in your underwear
yeah yeah yeah
from london, england to japan
if you've got a penis we'll be your friend
we'll be your friend
Every homo
every fairy
every cowboy
let's tongue-kiss tonight
backside's back
Every homo
every fairy
every cowboy
let's tongue-kiss tonight
backside's back all right

Howard Stern And The Backside Boys
Ver más info

Artista: Howard Stern And The Backside Boys
Canción: Every homo
Vistas: 80

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