Evernight Letra

Son Of Sam

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Evernight" de Son Of Sam.

Evernight lyrics

I have been, i have been
everburning in imperfect light,
fleeing to evernight
Loss of breath
but gaining perfect sight,
fleeing to evernight
I've been speaking in silence
i've been tasting the screams,
i've been beautiful violence
in a beautiful scene,
i've been offering violets
in the middle of dreams,
alleviating the final fear
i've been called to redeem
Everburning in imperfect light,
fleeing to evernight
Loss of breath
but gaining perfect sight,
walking through evernight
I've been watching you turning
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-evernight-son-of-sam ]
i've been hearing you call,
you've grown tired of burning
tired of feeling at all,
been admiring the lashes
in your beautiful skin,
i've been hearing your begging
for cleansing, for cleansing
I've been speaking in silence
i've been tasting the screams,
i've been beautiful violence
in a beautiful scene,
i've been called to redeem
i've been called to redeem,
i've been called to redeem
i've been called to redeem
Everburning in imperfect light,
fleeing to evernight
Loss of breath
but gaining perfect sight,
fleeing to evernight
The evernight

Son Of Sam

Son Of Sam


Ver más info

Artista: Son Of Sam
Canción: Evernight
Duración: 03:12
Vistas: 12.838
Álbum: Songs from the earth
Etiquetas: horror punk, hfsilt

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