Evergreen (Inglés ensemble) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Evergreen (Inglés ensemble)" de Hyde.

Evergreen (Inglés ensemble) lyrics

I lie awake beside the windowsill
like a flower in a vase
a moment caught in mmm
The rays of sunlight come and beckon
to a sleepy dreamy haze
a sense of summer aa
If only i could stop the flow of time
turn the clock to yesterday
erasing all the mm
I've only memories of happiness
such pleasure we have shared
i'd do it all again
This scenery is evergreen
as buds turn into leaves
the colours live and breathe
this scenery is evergreen
your tears are falling silently
So full of joy you are a child of spring
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-evergreen-ingles-english-ensemble-hyde ]
with a beauty that is pure
an innocence aa
You flow right through me like a medicine
bringing quiet to my soul
without you i'm not whole
This scenery is evergreen
i need you far too much
i long to feel your touch
this scenery is evergreen
you've always been so dear to me
This scenery is evergreen
it sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
this scenery is evergreen
i wish that i could dry your tears
The bells have rung the time has come
i cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
this scenery is evergreen
you've always been so dear too me



Evergreen (Inglés ensemble)

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Artista: Hyde
Canción: Evergreen (Inglés ensemble)
Duración: 05:16
Vistas: 109

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