Eve Letra

Jim Capaldi

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eve" de Jim Capaldi.

Eve lyrics

Eve, there's a woman in your eyes
ooo eve you made me realize
eve give me a smile
ooo eve you're only a child
But it's making me turn my head all the time
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eve-jim-capaldi ]
'cause looking at your face is like seeing the sunshine
Eve i'll never let you down
ooo eve i'll always be around
And it's making me turn my head all the time
'cause looking at your face is like seeing the sunshine
Eve give me a smile
ooo eve you're only a child

Jim Capaldi
Ver más info

Artista: Jim Capaldi
Canción: Eve
Duración: 03:39
Vistas: 2.641
Álbum: Oh how we danced
Etiquetas: pop

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