Euphoria Letra

Chris Weston

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Euphoria" de Chris Weston.

Euphoria lyrics

The love at first site
i felt on that night
The first step of passion
sexual attraction
Would eventually grow
into the love that i show

And as the days passed by
i realized why
it's for you that i try
it's for you that i cry
Because our feelings were shared
i felt that you cared
And in time you would see
what you meant to me
With time it would become
my love for someone
Through the things that i do
i show to you
through the things that i say
i love you everyday
‘till the day that i'm through
i'll be there for you
Never will you stare
into these eyes
trying to find
something inside
to make you realize
[ De: ]
that i still care
or that i'm still there
Before i met you
i was searching
for a love on a higher level
for someone to be with forever
for the things
that lived in my dreams
to bring back that gleam
And now that you're here
i live without fear
no reason to shed tears
‘cause i know alls right
with you by my side
And i know without you
that i'd have been through
i'd have been done
unloaded my gun
And ended all the pain
no memories remain
But now that you're here
i won't shed a tear
‘cause with you by my side
the future's looking bright
and i know in my heart
that everything is alright
Chris Weston

Chris Weston


Ver más info

Artista: Chris Weston
Canción: Euphoria
Vistas: 56

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