Eternal autumn Letra

Forest Of Shadows

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eternal autumn" de Forest Of Shadows.

Eternal autumn lyrics

So sudden it seemed this tragic vision painted before my eyes
amidst withering leaves i had found my beloved bloodstained and pale
falling into the forest so silent
aware of my presence she turned towards me her agonizing stare
[ De: ]
one last breath and she whispered
everything dies before my tearfilled eyes
dead and silent, a golden leaf of autumn
falling before my tearfilled eyes
this withering beauty
this eternal autumn
so silent
so silent
Forest Of Shadows

Forest Of Shadows

Eternal autumn

Ver más info

Artista: Forest Of Shadows
Canción: Eternal autumn
Duración: 09:22
Vistas: 50.687
Álbum: Where dreams turn to dust
Etiquetas: death doom, favourite songs, doom metal, atmospheric doom metal, gothic metal

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