Estonian bear Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Estonian bear" de Hoop.

Estonian bear lyrics

What you trying to tell me?
do you wanna go through hell with me?
could you not have hurt me harder?
you fight the burning oil with water
why do you think you can seat me?
would it be easier to cheat on me?
you would do everything to fuck our heads.
and i will build a wall between our beds
Tricky joy, deadly toy,
for a minute i fell for your decoy,
and my fingers got stuck in your hair
tricky trip, for a minute i slip,
you think you`ve got me in grip
[ De: ]
and forget all you`ve heard about estonian bear.
I could never stop thinking loud
i don`t want shrink in the crowd
you don`t want to see me fuck your plans
are you asking the estonian bear to dance?
The beast inside of me
runs faster to be free
to flee from disaster
only wild eyes can see
if you really share my dream
you gotta let me go
Rubbing my face in the ground
turning all the trees around
you can`t ever see my soul
you can`t ever rule, you lack control


Estonian bear

Ver más info

Artista: Hoop
Canción: Estonian bear
Duración: 03:28
Vistas: 191
Etiquetas: nu metal, estonia

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