Español eddie Letra

Laura Branigan

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Español eddie" de Laura Branigan.

Español eddie lyrics

There was heat in the air
And cops everywhere you looked
So there wasn't a lot
And the breaks that you got You know you took
And I remember wonderin' Where you been
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
They were playin' "Desolation Row" On the radio
The night Spanish Eddie fell from grace
There was amazement on his face
On the night that Eddie failed Sanity prevailed
It was June or July
When the heat from above beat down
When the brothers went out Of syle uptown
[ De: ]
And we was mixin' Vicks with lemon gin
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
They were playin "Desolation Row" On the radio
The night Spanish Eddie made front page
His revolution came of age
He wrote "Surrender" on the wall
The night he took the fall
I heard someone say "He's tryin' to fly"
Like Eddie used to say We'll do when we die
I know someone turned you For a spin
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
The night Spanish Eddie cashed it in
They were playin' "Desolation Row" On the radio
Laura Branigan

Laura Branigan

Español eddie

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Artista: Laura Branigan
Canción: Español eddie
Vistas: 107

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