Escape from the city Letra

Ted Poley, Tony Harnell

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Escape from the city" de Ted Poley, Tony Harnell.

Escape from the city lyrics

Rollin’ around at the speed of sound
got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow
can’t stick around; have to keep moving on,
guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out
Must keep on moving ahead, no time for guesses,
follow my plan instead
trust in me, what you can’t see
take my lead i’ll set you free.
Follow me, set me free,
trust me and we will escape from the city,
i’ll make it through, follow, follow me,
set me free, trust me and we will escape from the city,
i’ll make it through prove it to you,
follow me, oh yeah
[ De: ]
Danger is lurking around every turn,
trust your feelings,
got to live and learn
i know with some luck that i'll make it through,
got no other options, only one thing to do
I don't care what lies ahead,
no time for guessing, follow my plan instead.
find the next stage, no matter what that may be.
take my lead, i'll set you free.
Follow me, set me free,
trust me and we will escape from the city.
i'll make it through, follow me.
follow me, set me free,
trust me and we will escape from the city.
i'll make it through prove it to you.
Follow me
follow me
Ted Poley, Tony Harnell

Ted Poley, Tony Harnell

Escape from the city

Ver más info

Artista: Ted Poley, Tony Harnell
Canción: Escape from the city
Vistas: 14.198
Etiquetas: game music

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