Error Letra

The Rocking Horse Winner

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Error" de The Rocking Horse Winner.

Error lyrics

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Learn through silver, it's cold to touch. wire and springs aren't much for recollection. heart is scheduled and predictable, but i've figured it out though it's microscopic. so catch me. so atch me if i fall into the ground. so catch me now. endless knowledge through emotionless. conversation fails. i know you're in there. luminescence reflects my words, but it's neverending. gazing up. ingest the sunlight and it's gone. but where'd it go? you can smile now. no one's looking. they won't believe you had. i can see through the hard shell. a soft interior you hide well, and now it's gone again. not complex in circuitry. it's what you can't see that's more receiving now. don't catch me. don't catch me when i fall into the ground. don't catch me now. gazing up ingest the sunlight, and it's here it's everlasting. hold still. they'll believe you, i know they will.
The Rocking Horse Winner
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Artista: The Rocking Horse Winner
Canción: Error
Duración: 03:43
Vistas: 4.453
Álbum: Horizon

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