Erosion of a soul Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Erosion of a soul" de Outlaw.

Erosion of a soul lyrics

An explosion caused by erosion.
an erosion of a person's soul
the erosion causes discussion
which cause repercussions.
fights occur.
yells are heard.
people hurt.
people are treated like dirt.
walls are built.
hearts are weighed down by guilt.
we pray.
we wait for the day when all this explosions seem far away.
people are stressed while others are blessed.
[ De: ]
it is god's will even if it kills.
his soul is dark and cold like an abandoned park.
he is hardened to the core like a cement door.
it breaks us all like a vase after a fall.
crushed with pain, rushed for a plane.
it's all a blur when things occur.
we choose hoping not to lose.
but lose it we do and blow up like a fuse.
our hearts get bruised.
lots prayed but it's still erosion.
erosion……erosion… erosion of a soul.


Erosion of a soul

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Artista: Outlaw
Canción: Erosion of a soul
Vistas: 105

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