Endless Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Endless" de Unearth.

Endless lyrics

Shadows of doubt consume you
the light you barely see
growing wings of sorrow,
have brought you to the winds of plague
increscent boundaries fade the way
a barren future all too real
and still i try to seek up and find the flame
and still i
it's endless
a barren future all too real
and still i try
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-endless-unearth ]
endless fight
endless tragedy
endless lunacy
chalk up the past as a memory
this battering sickness has surely won
all i have i have wasted
will this erase me
time to clean my wounds
can i win this battle inside and out
can i win this battle inside-out
endless fight
endless tragedy
endless lunacy




Ver más info

Artista: Unearth
Canción: Endless
Duración: 03:27
Vistas: 318.855
Álbum: The oncoming storm
Etiquetas: melodic death metal, metal, death metal, metalcore, hardcore

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