Endless road Letra

Lin Jun Jie

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Endless road" de Lin Jun Jie.

Endless road lyrics

The truth is tearing up my heart
i can't recognise this place
the endless road without a stop sign
can't even find a stranger this time
why am i still holding back my tears
in this loneliness there's nothing left to fear
every chord still seems a wonder
how we could be together
everytime i ask if this would be the last
Why am i still talking to myself
hoping you will have the keys to my cell
every song might calm the weather
but it just draws me deeper
how do i get out of this
i think~ i never will
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-endless-road-lin-jun-jie ]
A crystal forming in the eye
maybe this would be the last
the winding path down my face
till i begin to taste the bitterness inside
Repeat chorus
Why am i still holding back my tears
in this loneliness there's nothing left to fear
every chord still seems a wonder
how we could be together
everytime i ask if this would be the last
Why am i still talking to myself
hoping you will have the keys to my cell
every song might calm the weather
but it just draws me deeper
how do i get out of this
i think~ i never will
I never will

Lin Jun Jie

Lin Jun Jie

Endless road

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Artista: Lin Jun Jie
Canción: Endless road
Vistas: 437

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