Endgames Letra


El tema "Endgames" interpretado por Godflesh pertenece a su disco "Us and them". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Endgames" de Godflesh.

Endgames lyrics

Take my soul
take my body
take it all
make your money
it's all just you
put me down
rape my purity
for your security
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-endgames-godflesh ]
I can't give
i can only take
i can't love
i can only hate
all i believe in
is just fake
but it keeps me believing
for sanity's sake




Ver más info

Artista: Godflesh
Canción: Endgames
Duración: 04:55
Vistas: 20.731
Álbum: Us and them
Etiquetas: industrial breakbeat, industrial, justin karl michael broadrick, industrial metal, hot godflesh songs

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