Empty pages Letra


El tema "Empty pages" interpretado por Traffic pertenece a su disco "John barleycorn must die". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Empty pages" de Traffic.

Empty pages lyrics

Found someone who can comfort me
but there are always exceptions
and she's good at appearing sane
but i just want you to know
she's the one makes me feel so good
when everything is against me
picks me up when i'm feeling bad
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-empty-pages-traffic ]
so i got something to show
staring at empty pages
centered 'round the same old fire
staring at empty pages
burning along the edges
often lost and forgotten
the ?weakness? and the mud
i've been thinking i'm working too hard
but i got something to show



Empty pages

Ver más info

Artista: Traffic
Canción: Empty pages
Duración: 04:35
Vistas: 113.911
Álbum: John barleycorn must die
Etiquetas: progressive rock, rock, classic rock, 77davez-all-tracks, 70s

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