Empty at the end Letra

Electric Soft Parade

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Empty at the end" de Electric Soft Parade.

Empty at the end lyrics

Stars at my window
all say they don't know
well it's true
in letters of blue
You say you don't know
all there is to know
well it's true
in letters of blue
And all i know is no one is my friend
and it's empty at the end
so we start again
Stars at my window
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-empty-at-the-end-electric-soft-parade ]
all say they don't know
well it's true
in letters of blue
You say you don't know
all there is to know
well it's true yes it's true
in letters of blue
And all i know is no one is my friend
and it's empty at the end
so we start again
And all i know is no one is my friend
and it's empty at the end
so we start again

Electric Soft Parade

Electric Soft Parade

Empty at the end

Ver más info

Artista: Electric Soft Parade
Canción: Empty at the end
Duración: 03:04
Vistas: 2.676

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