Emily Letra

Beth Nielsen Chapman

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Emily" de Beth Nielsen Chapman.

Emily lyrics

My oh my, time sure flies
i like what you've done to your hair
i've been fine, yeh these boys are mine
that must be your little girl there
Some friendships grow distant with time
and it's no wonder, emily, so much can change
we're too far to visit, too busy to write
but a closeness between us remains
Best friends are made through smiles and tears
and sometimes that fades over miles and years
but i knew right away when i saw you again
emily, we'll always be friends
I still sing now and then
mostly at weddings for friends
and i just bet you still get
a yearning to paint now and then
They tore down our whole street
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-emily-beth-nielsen-chapman ]
now there's a bank where the house was we shared back in school
remember we both have each other to thank
for all the boyfriends we're not married to
"stay as you are and you'll go far"
you signed my yearbook
"don't forget me when you're a big star"
We can't stay, it's gettin' late
and they said not to let you get tired
we'll just be up the street
the number's right here by your side
Oh no, it's no trouble
i don't want to hear about how all this changes my plans
i'll see you tomorrow
call me tonight, emmy, please let me do what i can
Best friends are made through smiles and tears
and sometimes that fades over miles and years
but i knew right away when i saw you again
emily, we'll always be friends

Beth Nielsen Chapman
Ver más info

Artista: Beth Nielsen Chapman
Canción: Emily
Vistas: 2.493
Álbum: Beth nielsen chapman
Etiquetas: emily

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