Emerge Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Emerge" de Fischerspooner.

Emerge lyrics

you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
you don't need to
tear away
feels good
looks good
sounds good
looks good
feels good too
feels good too
(uh-huh that's right)
feels good too
(uh-huh that's right)
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-emerge-fischerspooner ]
(uh huh that's right)
(uh huh that's right)
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
[modem noise]: look alive
you don't need to
emerge from nothing
you don't need to
tear away
[repeat chorus until fadeout]

Ver más info

Artista: Fischerspooner
Canción: Emerge
Duración: 03:53
Vistas: 878.720
Álbum: Bugged out classics
Etiquetas: electronic, electroclash, electronica, electro, dance

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