Embraceable you Letra

Red Nichols

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Embraceable you" de Red Nichols.

Embraceable you lyrics

dozens of girls would storm up;
i had to lock my door,
somehow i couldn't warm up
to one before.
what was it that controlled me?
what kept my lovelife lean?
my intuition told me
you'd come on the scene.
lady, listen to the rhythm of my heartbeat,
and you'll get just what i mean.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-embraceable-you-red-nichols ]
embrace me, my sweet embraceable you
embrace me, you irreplaceable you
just one look at you, my heart grew tipsy in me;
you and you alone bring out the gypsy in me
i love all the many charms about you
above all i want my arms about you.
don't be a naughty baby,
come to papa, come to papa, do
my sweet embraceable you

Red Nichols

Red Nichols

Embraceable you

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Artista: Red Nichols
Canción: Embraceable you
Duración: 03:01
Vistas: 125
Etiquetas: world music, oldies, classic romance, broadway

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