Embers and the night after Letra

Bedroom Heroes

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Embers and the night after" de Bedroom Heroes.

Embers and the night after lyrics

So what if this, is the last time
would you ever come back?
and i'll understand,
if you want me to
That in air,
we fall,
to the ground,
and you saw sunrise,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-embers-and-the-night-after-bedroom-heroes ]
(walked on air)
because you never promised
So now were back, where we always were
(which is never enough)
and i'll understand
if you want me to
That you never promised (to me)

Bedroom Heroes

Bedroom Heroes

Embers and the night after

Ver más info

Artista: Bedroom Heroes
Canción: Embers and the night after
Duración: 08:24
Vistas: 415

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