Eloquence Letra

Jason Falkner

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eloquence" de Jason Falkner.

Eloquence lyrics

Is it really worth it? something given for free
if it leaves you so downhearted, so downhearted
if you've an opinion
you can answer yes but it's no for me
Cause i've seen eloquence in its purest sense grab hold of me
and then shake itself free
and i'm stunned i mean who invited this fickle friend?
why won't it stay? where does it go anyway?
Have you seen the papers? there's a wonder kid and he's only two (only two)
he's playing beethoven on his violin
there's something i don't need tickets to
cause i've seen eloquence in its purest sense grab hold of me
and then shake itself free
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eloquence-jason-falkner ]
and i'm stunned i mean who invited this fickle friend?
why won't it stay? where does it go anyway?
Now i find out the hard way that it's going back to stay, back to stay
and i'm lost and i'm lonely cause my baby won't come back to play
come back to me little lady please come back to little old me
I'm a tourist even in my own skin
Cause i've seen eloquence in its purest sense grab hold of me
and then shake itself free
and i'm stunned i mean who invited this fickle friend?
why won't it stay? where does it go anyway?
Cause i've seen eloquence in its purest sense grab hold of me
and then shake itself free
and i'm stunned i mean who invited this fickle friend?
why won't it stay? where does it go anyway?

Jason Falkner

Jason Falkner


Ver más info

Artista: Jason Falkner
Canción: Eloquence
Duración: 03:50
Vistas: 7.020
Álbum: Can you still feel?
Etiquetas: favourite songs, 00s, fucking brilliant, jellyfish family, power pop

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