Eloise Letra

Barry Ryan

La letra de la canción "Eloise" interpretada por Barry Ryan fue publicada el 20 de diciembre de 2009 con su vídeo musical.

Eloise lyrics

Every night i'm there,
i'm always there, she knows i'm there,
and heaven knows, i hope she goes.
i find it hard to realize that love was in her eyes,
it's dying now, she knows i'm crying now,
and every night i'm there, i break my heart to please
eloise, eloise.
you know i'm on my knees, yeah, i said please.
you're all i want so hear my prayer, my prayer.
My eloise is like the stars that please the night,
the sun that makes the day, that lights the way.
and when my star goes by, i'll hold it in my hands and cry,
her love is mine, my sun will shine.
every night i'm there i break my heart to please
eloise, eloise.

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eloise-barry-ryan ]
you're all i want, you gotta hear my prayer.
My eloise, i'd love to please her,
i'd love to care, but she's not there.
and when i find you, i'd be so kind,
you'd want to stay, i know you'd stay.
And as the days grow old, the nights grow cold,
i wanna hold her near to me, i know she's dear to me.
and only time can tell and take away this lonely hell,
i'm on my knees to eloise.
and every night i'm there, i break my heart to please
eloise, eloise.
you are my life so hear my prayer.
you are the price, i know you're there.
you're all i want so hear my prayer.
you're all i need and i'm not there,
you know i'm not there.

Barry Ryan

Barry Ryan


Diciembre, 2009
77.060 vistas

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Artista: Barry Ryan
Canción: Eloise
Duración: 05:45
Estreno: Diciembre, 2009
Vistas: 77.060
Álbum: Eloise
Etiquetas: 60s, oldies, classic rock, rock, pop

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