Elephant love medley Letra

Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Elephant love medley" de Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman.

Elephant love medley lyrics

E : love is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love.
n: please don't start that again
e: all you need is love
n: a girl has got to eat
e: all you need is love
n: she'll end up on the street
e: all you need is lohuhuhove
n: love is just a game.
e: i was made for lovin' you baby you were meant for loving me
n: the only way of lovin' me baby is to pay a lovely fee.
e: just one night, gimme just one night
n: there's no way, cos you can't pay.
e: in the name of love, one night in the name of love.
n: you crazy fool, i won't give in too you
e: don' me this way, i can't survive without your sweetlove, oh baby don't leave me this way.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-elephant-love-medley-ewan-mcgregor-nicole-kidman ]
n: you'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs, i look around me and see it isn't true.
n: some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs.
e: well what's wrong with that? i'd like to know, cos here i gooooooooooo love lifts us up where we belong where eagles fly on a mountain high
n: love makes us act like we are fools, through our lives away for one, happy day
e: we could be hero's, just for one day
n: you, you will be mean.
e: no, no i won't
n: and i, er i'll drink all the time
e: we should be lovers
n: we can't do that
e: we should be lovers and that's a fact
n: no nothing, would keep us together
e&n: we could steal time just for one day we could be hero's forever and ever, we could be hero'
e: just because iiiiiiiiieeeiiii will always love you
n: oh ah and that is the truth.
e&n: how wonderful life is now you're in the world.

Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman

Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman

Elephant love medley

Ver más info

Artista: Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman
Canción: Elephant love medley
Duración: 04:13
Vistas: 39.540
Etiquetas: moulin rouge, sluchalem tyle razy ze znam na pamiec, making my day, soundtrack, under grad

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