Electric ice cream (miami jammies) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Electric ice cream (miami jammies)" de Clinton.

Electric ice cream (miami jammies) lyrics

To all you that shipped out gold,
that returned platinum
"some take the mic., & make the mic. into 99"
state sucker units
management honky tonk
the new york minit
It is straight aces, against the crooked asses of dj-ziz
To all a&r's,
mobil city
all you a&r's,
all units of the rockpile: down tools
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-electric-ice-cream-miami-jammies-clinton ]
it is a bad gig
london, tsb rock school
Some take the mic., & make the mic. into 99
"miami jammies do do damage"
it is straight aces, against the crooked asses of dj-ziz
Manic panic
& massive attack crap
overhead cams
& things we simply cannot understand
leaving, runners-uppers
to park the hard-drive
electric ice cream
some take the mic., & make the mic. into 99



Electric ice cream (miami jammies)

Ver más info

Artista: Clinton
Canción: Electric ice cream (miami jammies)
Duración: 05:57
Vistas: 91

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