El president Letra

Drugstore Featuring Thom Yorke

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "El president" de Drugstore Featuring Thom Yorke.

El president lyrics

[it came from the skies
it burst through the gates
with no mercy or disguise
with their hearts set out in flames
i know i've seen the master plan]
Well i'm just a man
[i am just a man]
i'm not giving in
all the people understand
cos they all fell down and prayed
i know, i've seen the master plan
They've killed the president
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-el-president-drugstore-featuring-thom-yorke ]
they've killed the president
[it came from the skies]
it came from the skies
[in all shades of green
we can always justify
you can measure up your dreams
i know i've seen the master plan]
They've killed the president
they've killed the president
they've killed the president
they've killed the president
they've killed the president
they've killed the president
I'm just a

Drugstore Featuring Thom Yorke
Ver más info

Artista: Drugstore Featuring Thom Yorke
Canción: El president
Duración: 02:49
Vistas: 213

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