El gavilan (the hawk) Letra

Kris Kristofferson

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "El gavilan (the hawk)" de Kris Kristofferson.

El gavilan (the hawk) lyrics

Gotta make your own rules child
gotta break your own chains
the dreams that posses you
may blossom an bless you
or run you insane.
The moment is yours now
to lay on the line
the past just don't matters
tomorrow won't mind.
Lay down your sadness
show me your sign
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-el-gavilan-the-hawk-kris-kristofferson ]
let me feel your spirit
running with mine
I don't deserve you
i'm just a man (alt.: i'm only human)
but i swear i love you
just as hard as i can.
Storm on the mountain
stars in the sky
running for glory
freedom to fly.
Will you remember
way down the road
somebody loves you
more than you know.

Kris Kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson

El gavilan (the hawk)

Ver más info

Artista: Kris Kristofferson
Canción: El gavilan (the hawk)
Vistas: 89

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